Elders & Ministry Staff

Staff Elders

Yuta and his wife Alyssa moved to Georgetown in early 2017 to join the pastoral staff at Maple Avenue Baptist Church. For the first seven years, he led and oversaw the youth ministry of MABC in the roles of Youth Minister and Associate Pastor of Youth. Those were blessed and enjoyable years as Yuta developed good relationships with the youth and saw God transform many lives through the gospel. In October of 2023, the church called him to be its Senior Pastor. Yuta’s desire is to faithfully lead and care for the flock as an undershepherd of Christ who is the chief Shepherd (1 Pet 5:1–4). Yuta’s prayer is that Christ would be formed in the people (Gal 4:19) and that the church would grow in Christlikeness (Ephesians 4:11–16).

As for his testimony, Yuta was born into and raised in a non-Christian home. Thus, he did not grow up attending church or hearing the gospel. While in his final year of high school, some friends invited Yuta out to youth group, and it was through that ministry that Yuta encountered the love of Christians and the saving message of the gospel. Within a few months of attending that youth group, Yuta was saved, and his life has never been the same.

He completed theological training at the Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College (Bachelor of Christian Ministry) and The Master’s Seminary (Master of Divinity). He is ordained with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada and is currently pursuing doctoral studies (Doctor of Educational Ministry) at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Yuta is happily married to Alyssa, and they have three sons, Noah, Luke, and Mark. He enjoys coffee, rugby, and books, in no particular order.

To CONTACT Yuta, please email the church office.

Terry has always been in love with church. Being fourth generation on a family dairy farm, church was a constant in their lives. Three of those generations are still working together on their Brampton area farm and still very active in church life.

It wasn’t until he was 28 years old though, that Terry fell in love with Jesus Christ. He is his Shepherd and Lord. He has cleansed him from much sin, guilt and shame. He, being the Word made flesh is my life, my all.

Terry met an amazing young gal, beautifully named Barbara Grace Church who was on a similar spiritual journey. Married in 1985, they were baptized at MABC in the spring of 1986, alongside his father Gord, mother Rosemarie and brother Wayne. Terry immersed himself into the Christian teaching and culture at Maple Ave.

In 2006 Terry accepted a call into pastoral ministry focusing on youth and seniors ministries. He enjoys contributing to the unity of our pastoral team and the oversight of our church family. His interests are reading, music and the movie classics.

Terry & Barb have four sons ~ Tim, Matt, Peter and Seth ~ that continue to challenge their family spiritually and are also being blessed spiritually through the life of the church.


Matt Laidlaw was born and raised at Maple Avenue Baptist church and was saved at the age of 25 by God’s grace through the reading of His Word.  Matt soon became a member and began serving the church.  His desire is for others to grow in their passion for Jesus and to be encouraged through the word of God.  He has a burden for the lost and a desire to bring the gospel to those in Georgetown and in the surrounding communities.  His role includes pouring into the people at Maple Avenue with the word of God, lead evangelistic efforts in the community, and share in other pastoral duties.  

Matt received a Graduate Certificate of Theological Studies from Heritage College and Seminary.  He is currently enrolled there in the Masters of Divinity degree program.  Matt has completed a one year internship at Maple Avenue Baptist Church and has served the Church in a variety of ministries over the years.  

Matt is married to his wonderful wife Noreen and they have two sons, Hudson and Forrest.  They enjoy spending time together, time with family and friends, trying new foods, and the outdoors.  


Ministry Staff

Hannah was born in Toronto and grew up in a Christian home.  Some of her earliest memories were volunteering at the church through various ministries and programs.  With a heart for ministry and a desire to following God’s leading, Hannah accepted the role of Interim Children’s Ministry Director.   

Having taught at a Christian school, she enjoys teaching and encouraging the next generation to know the LORD and follow His leading in their lives.  She believes doing life God’s way is the best way.   

Hannah enjoys baking, trail walks, volleyball, and spending time with her family and friends.   


Eros and his family immigrated to Toronto from Havana, Cuba when he was six years old. They eventually moved to Milton, where Eros spent his formative years. 

It wasn't until a Bible Study on the book of Job during his final year of college that Eros was saved when he was confronted by teaching on the sovereignty of God. It was then he came to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Eros is passionate about studying God’s word, personally growing in his faith, and leading others in obedience to Jesus. He is resolved to joyously experience God’s grace in all of life and pursue holiness that results in true happiness.

At Maple Avenue Baptist Church, he serves in various ministries and is delighted to be a member of such a wonderful church family. He began in his role as a part-time Youth Intern in the fall of 2023 and then took on the position of full-time Youth Minister in March of 2024.

Eros is happily married to his beautiful wife Jill and they have a daughter. They have lived in Georgetown since 2017. Eros enjoys soccer, basketball, books, coffee, good food of all kinds with friends and family, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and a relaxing day at the beach.


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