Gifts to our General Fund support all ministries at MABC.
Additional designated funds:
- The Training Fund enables us to invest in people while they serve short-term at MABC in an official capacity so that we can prepare them to serve God’s Kingdom as pastors, missionaries or other full-time Christian workers.
- The Property Improvement Fund is used to help improve the facilities of MABC.
We ask that any donations to the Training or Property Improvement Funds be only above and beyond regular giving to the General Fund.
Below are a number of ways whereby you can give to the work of the church. Please remember to designate which fund you are allocating your donation to.
- Donate Now: please click here to give online with PayPal. (Please note that MABC pays a PayPal consumer fee for each transaction made.)
- E-Transfers: email us at (no password required)
- Pre Authorize Debit (PAD) – a process whereby you can give to MABC by monthly bank debit. Bank debits are processed on the 20th of each month. Please allow up to one month for your first bank debit to be processed. Contact the Church Office or to download a form, click here.
- Offering Boxes: tithes/offerings may be placed in offering boxes on Sunday. Boxes are located at each entrance of the sanctuary. To request a personal set of envelopes, please email or call the church office.
- Drop Off: offerings may be dropped off at the church office. For office hours, click here.
- Mail In: cheques can be mailed to the following address:
Maple Avenue Baptist Church
177 Maple Avenue
Georgetown, ON L7G 1X6
Be sure to email us if you have any questions.
Thank you!